Friday, December 30, 2011

Mark D. Roberts: Thoughtfully Christian Reflections on Jesus, the Church, and the World - Mark D. Roberts


U.S. debt was a better investment than gold this year - The Washington Post


Article: What is Scientism? : EvolutionBlog

Empirical facts (facts about reality) and mathematical facts are very different sorts of facts. Mathematical facts are pure abstractions. They tell us the logical consequences of a formal system. But our system of mathematics is not just an arbitrary formal system. We've adopted this particularly formal system because it's proven so useful in modelling reality. However a mathematical fact tells us nothing about reality except in conjunction with a mathematical model of reality. And those mathematical models must be based on empirical observation.

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Council for Secular Humanism


TeacupTrail - Maps and Information for Hiking


Saturday, December 24, 2011


The definition of irony: Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger, the ex-nazi Pope,
decries superficial glitter of Xmas while wearing gold embroidery hat


Pope Laments Christmas Consumerism, Urges People To Look Beyond 'Superficial Glitter'

You've got to love the irony...


Article: Remembering Christopher Hitchens - Lawrence Krauss - RDFRS

Remembering Christopher Hitchens - Lawrence Krauss - RDFRS

Just before leaving his company the last time I saw him, in one of those poetic accidents that makes life so unexpectedly enjoyable, I was reading a newspaper piece at his kitchen table about an emerging effort to ensure that young people at elite institutions preserve their Catholic upbringing during and after College. When describing the temptations to depart from piety, the author wrote: "Exposed to Nietzche, Hitchens, co-ed dorms and beer pong, such students are expected to stray."

I reflected on what a remarkable tribute to the man this simple sentence represented. To be so overpowering in one's cultural impact that one can be mentioned without explanation is one thing, but to be sandwiched between Nietzche and beer pong is an honor that very few of us can so hope to deservedly achieve.

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Friday, December 23, 2011

USA TODAY: Fact Check: Many attacks on Gingrich are true

Check out this article that I saw in USA TODAY's iPad application.

Fact Check: Many attacks on Gingrich are true

To view the story, click the link or paste it into your browser.

To learn more about USA TODAY for iPad and download, visit:


Article: Does Airport Security Really Make Us Safer? | Culture | Vanity Fair

Does Airport Security Really Make Us Safer? | Culture | Vanity Fair

It's infuriating," he said, waving my fraudulent boarding pass to indicate the mass of waiting passengers, the humming X-ray machines, the piles of unloaded computers and cell phones on the conveyor belts, the uniformed T.S.A. officers instructing people to remove their shoes and take loose change from their pockets. "We're spending billions upon billions of dollars doing this—and it is almost entirely pointless. Not only is it not done right, but even if it was done right it would be the wrong thing to do."


Thursday, December 22, 2011

How atheists celebrate Dec. 25 –

"25 December is the birthday of one of the truly great men ever to
walk the earth," Dawkins wrote. "His achievements might justly be
celebrated wherever his truths hold sway. And that means from one end
of the universe to the other. Happy Newton Day!"


Article: The Cambrian Conundrum: Fossils vs Genes


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

On Christopher Hitchens’ Jewishness – Tablet Magazine

Hitch-22 has at its heart almost something of a mystery plot, and it goes like this: How can Hitchens absolutely believe in the wrongness of absolute beliefs—chiefly theism and totalitarianism? How does he square that circle? Like any good mystery, a clue is under the reader's nose all along (the title), and the answer is not revealed until the final page. There, Hitchens explains:

It's quite a task to combat the absolutists and the relativists at the same time: to maintain that there is no totalitarian solution while also insisting that, yes, we on our side also have unalterable convictions and are willing to fight for them. After various past allegiances, I have come to believe that Karl Marx was rightest of all when he recommended continual doubt and self-criticism. … To be an unbeliever is not to be merely "open-minded." It is, rather, a decisive admission of uncertainty that is dialectically connected to the repudiation of the totalitarian principle, in the mind as well as in politics. But that's my Hitch-22.

The dialectic—the ability of opposites to feed off of each other and eventually produce a synthesis that assimilates the best aspects of both into an overpowering Truth—is the answer to the riddle of Hitchens' career, particularly of what many saw as his rightward turn later in life. If he did not quite add up, perhaps that is because Marx is not "right" but rather "rightest," and Hitchens achieved not "synthesis" but rather "Hitch-22," his personal variation on Joseph Heller's famed construct wherein two mutually exclusive premises are bound to co-exist. Belief in unbelief, certainty in uncertainty: These are the Scylla and Charybdis through which Hitchens skillfully steered his ship.


Intel's First Android Smartphone Plays Blu-ray Quality Video Without Breaking a Sweat


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Article: 7 Free eBooks Neil deGrasse Tyson Thinks Every Intelligent Person Should Read

7 Free eBooks Neil deGrasse Tyson Thinks Every Intelligent Person Should Read

(Sent from Flipboard)


Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life: Chapter VI: The Judgment of the Dead

Introduction to Chapter CXXV., mentions less than forty sins. Incidentally we may notice that the forty-two gods are subservient to Osiris, and that they only occupy a subordinate position in the Hall of Judgment, for it is the result of the weighing of the heart of the deceased in the balance that decides his future. Before passing to the description of the Hall of Judgment where the balance is set, it is necessary to give a rendering of the Negative Confession which, presumably, the deceased recites before his heart is weighed in the balance; it is made from the Papyrus of Nu. 1

1. "Hail Usekh-nemtet (i.e., Long of strides), who comest forth from Annu (Heliopolis), I have not done iniquity.

2. "Hail Hept-seshet (i.e., Embraced by flame), who comest forth from Kher-âba, 2 I have not robbed with violence.

3. "Hail Fenti (i.e., Nose), who comest forth from Khemennu (Hermopolis), I have not done violence to any man.

4. "Hail Âm-khaibitu (i.e., Eater of shades), who comest forth from the Qereret (i.e., the cavern where the Nile rises), I have not committed theft.

5. "Hail Neha-hra (i.e., Stinking face), who comest forth from Restau, I have slain neither man nor woman.

6. "Hail Rereti (i.e., Double Lion-god), who comest forth from heaven, I have not made light the bushel.

p. 157

7. "Hail Maata-f-em-seshet (i.e., Fiery eyes), who comest forth from Sekhem (Letopolis), I have not acted deceitfully.

8. "Hail Neba (i.e., Flame), who comest forth and retreatest, I have not purloined the things which belong unto God.

9. "Hail Set-qesu (i.e., Crusher of bones), who comest forth from Suten-henen (Heracleopolis), I have not uttered falsehood.

10. "Hail Khemi (i.e., Overthrower), who comest forth from Shetait (i.e., the hidden place), I have not carried off goods by force.

11. "Hail Uatch-nesert (i.e., Vigorous of Flame), who comest forth from Het-ka-Ptah. (Memphis), I have not uttered vile (or evil) words.

12. "Hail Hra-f-ha-f (i.e., He whose face is behind him), who comest forth from the cavern and the deep, I have not carried off food by force.

13. "Hail Qerti (i.e., the double Nile source), who comest forth from the Underworld, I have not acted deceitfully.

14. "Hail Ta-ret (i.e., Fiery-foot), who comest forth out of the darkness, I have not eaten my heart (i.e. lost my temper and become angry).

15. "Hail Hetch-abehu (i.e., Shining teeth), who comest forth from Ta-she (i.e., the Fayyûm), I have invaded no [man's land].

16. "Hail, Âm-senef (i.e., Eater of blood), who comest

p. 158

forth from the house of the block, I have not slaughtered animals which are the possessions of God.

17. "Hail Âm-besek (i.e., Eater of entrails), who comest forth from Mâbet, I have not laid waste the lands which have been ploughed.

18. "Hail Neb-Maât (i.e., Lord of Maât), who comest forth from the city of the two Maâti, I have not pried into matters to make mischief.

19. "Hail Thenemi (i.e., Retreater), who comest forth from Bast (i.e., Bubastis), I have not set my mouth in motion against any man.

20. "Hail Anti, who comest forth from Annu (Heliopolis), I have not given way to wrath without due cause.

21. "Hail Tututef, who comest forth from the nome of Ati, I have not committed fornication, and I have not committed sodomy.

22. "Hail Uamemti, who comest forth from the house of slaughter, I have not polluted myself.

23. "Hail Maa-ant-f (i.e., Seer of what is brought to him), who comest forth from the house of the god Amsu, I have not lain with the wife of a man.

24. "Hail Her-seru, who comest forth from Nehatu, I have not made any man to be afraid.

25. "Hail Neb-Sekhem, who comest forth from the Lake of Kaui, I have not made my speech to burn with anger. 1

p. 159

26. "Hail Seshet-kheru (i.e., Orderer of speech), who comest forth from Urit, I have not made myself deaf unto the words of right and truth.

27. "Hail Nekhen (i.e., Babe), who comest forth from the Lake of Heqât, I have not made another person to weep.

28. "Hail Kenemti, who comest forth from Kenemet, I have not uttered blasphemies.

29. "Hail An-hetep-f (i.e., Bringer of his offering), who comest forth from Sau, I have not acted with violence.

30. "Hail Ser-kheru (i.e., Disposer of Speech), who comest forth from Unsi, I have not hastened my heart. 1

31. "Hail Neb-hrau (i.e., Lord of Faces), who comest forth from Netchefet, I have not pierced (?) my skin (?) and I have not taken vengeance on the god.

32. "Hail Serekhi, who comest forth from Uthent, I have not multiplied my speech beyond what should be said.

33. "Hail Neb-âbui (i.e., Lord of horns), who comest forth from Sauti, I have not committed fraud, [and I have not] looked upon evil.

34. "Hail Nefer-Tem, who comest forth from Ptah-het-ka (Memphis), I have never uttered curses against the king.

35. "Hail Tem-sep, who comest forth from Tattu, I have not fouled running water.

p. 160

36. "Hail Ari-em-ab-f, Who comest forth from Tebti, I have not exalted my speech.

37. "Hail Ahi, who comest forth from Nu, I have not uttered curses against God.

38. "Hail Uatch-rekhit [who comest forth from his shrine (?)], I have not behaved with insolence.

39. "Hail Neheb-nefert, who comest forth from his temple, I have not made distinctions. 1

40. "Hail Neheb-kau, who comest forth from thy cavern, I have not increased my wealth except by means of such things as are mine own possessions.

41. "Hail Tcheser-tep, who comest forth from thy shrine, I have not uttered curses against that which belongeth to God and is with me.

42. "Hail An-â-f (i.e., Bringer of his arm), [who comest forth from Aukert], I have not thought scorn of the god of the city."


Jon Bon Jovi has fun with Twitter’s fake reports of his death | Technology News Blog - Yahoo! News

Heaven looks a lot like New Jersey.


Egyptian Hell: Visions, Tours and Descriptions of the Infernal Otherworld from PDF eBook by Eileen Gardiner |


Monday, December 19, 2011

The Story of the Bible, by Frederic G. Kenyon

If therefore we look back over the earliest generations of
Christianity, from the time of our Lord to the date (somewhere about
A.D. 325) when Christianity became the accepted religion of the Roman
Empire, we see first of all a period of some forty years when the
narrative of our Lord's life and teaching circulated orally, in the
preaching of His disciples, or in written records which have not come
down to us; and when St. Paul was writing his letters to various
Christian churches which he and his companions had founded. Then,
about the years 65 to 75, we have the composition of what are known as
the three Synoptic Gospels, Mark, Luke and Matthew, Mark's being the
earliest, and Matthew and Luke using him and also other narratives and
collections of sayings. The Book of Acts belongs to the same period,
being the second part of Luke's history. Revelation is now generally
assigned to the time of the persecution of Domitian, about A.D. 95;
and St. John's Gospel also must be late in the century. Then we have a
period of rather over two hundred years, when the various books
circulated, either singly in separate papyrus rolls or combined into
small groups in papyrus codi

Death Quotes - Literary Quotes About Death and Practically Everything Else

For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered. But for those of us who can't readily accept the God formula, the big answers don't remain stone-written. We adjust to new conditions and discoveries. We are pliable. Love need not be a command or faith a dictum. I am my own God. We are here to unlearn the teachings of the church, state, and our educational system. We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.

Charles Bukowski, In Religion


Article: What Christians Owe Hitch


USA TODAY: Editorial: What Hitchens and Tebow shared

Check out this article that I saw in USA TODAY's iPad application.

Editorial: What Hitchens and Tebow shared

To view the story, click the link or paste it into your browser.

To learn more about USA TODAY for iPad and download, visit:


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Article: Good Minus God


Why men like Larry Craig continue to court danger in public places. - Slate Magazine

Next time you hear some particularly moralizing speech, set your
watch. You won't have to wait long before the man who made it is
found, crouched awkwardly yet ecstatically while the cistern drips and
the roar of the flush maddens him like wine.


Laurence Hope's Poem: Deserted Gipsy's Song: Hillside Camp

Beauty maddens the soul like Wine

Compare to hitch's line


The Blog : Hitch : Sam Harris

One of the joys of living in a world filled with stupidity and
hypocrisy was to see Hitch respond. That pleasure is now denied us.


Friday, December 16, 2011

The 20 Best Christopher Hitchens Quotes | Unreasonable Faith


Drink is the feast of reason and the flow of soul.

 Alexander Pope quotes
 Drink is the feast of reason and the flow of soul. 
 Alexander Pope quotes 


New Statesman - Christopher Hitchens, 1949-2011

To a Christian who insisted that God had given him "throat" cancer in
order to punish the "one part of his body he used for blasphemy", he
replied: "My so-far uncancerous throat . . . is not at all the only
organ with which I have blasphemed." And to those who insultingly
suggested that he should embrace religion, Hitchens's flawless
riposte: "Suppose there were groups of secularists at hospitals who
went round the terminally ill and urged them to adopt atheism: 'Don't
be a mug all your life. Make your last days the best ones.' People
might suppose this was in poor taste."


Christopher Hitchens has died: Fighter, doubter, provocateur -


Monday, December 12, 2011



Thai Floodwaters Sink Intel Chip Orders | Wired Enterprise |

The hard disk drive shortage has boosted prices for solid-state drives (SSDs), but hasn't increased orders for Intel's SSD products. "So far we haven't seen a big uptick in demand for SSDs," said Smith. But the company expects demand to rise, especially for SSDs for the new thin, lightweight ultrabook laptop computers, he said.


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Dreams Los Cabos Suites Golf Resort & Spa: Unlimited Luxury Defined


The Charitable Atheist | Politics & Media |


Article: A Club of Liars, Demagogues, and Fools—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)

A Club of Liars, Demagogues, and Fools—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)

"Africa is a country. The Taliban rule in Libya. Muslims are terrorists. Immigrants are mostly criminals, Occupy Wall Street protesters are always dirty. And women who claim to have been sexually molested should kindly keep quiet."

Welcome to the wonderful world of the Republican Party. Or rather: to the distorted world of its presidential campaign. For months it has coiled through the country like a traveling circus, from debate to debate, from scandal to scandal, contesting the mightiest office in the world — and nothing is ever too unfathomable for them… These eight presidential wannabes are happy enough not only to demolish their own reputations but also that of their party, the once worthy party of Abraham Lincoln. They are also ruining the reputation of the United States.

They lie, deceive, scuffle and speak every manner of idiocy. And they expose a political, economic, geographic and historical ignorance compared to which George W. Bush sounds like a scholar. Even the party's boosters are horrified by the spectacle…


Article: Astonishing accident involving eight Ferraris 'world's most expensive car crash' - Telegraph

Astonishing accident involving eight Ferraris 'world's most expensive car crash' - Telegraph
 and a Toyota Prius


Thursday, December 01, 2011



Article: topbrewerfeatures - Scanomat


Article: Final Indicator, if You Needed One, of a Looming China Crash


Four reasons why the quantum vacuum may explain dark matter


Andy Stern: China's Superior Economic Model -

Andy Grove, the founder and chairman of Intel, provocatively wrote in
Businessweek last year that, "Our fundamental economic beliefs, which
we have elevated from a conviction based on observation to an
unquestioned truism, is that the free market is the best of all
economic systems—the freer the better. Our generation has seen the
decisive victory of free-market principles over planned economies. So
we stick with this belief largely oblivious to emerging evidence that
while free markets beat planned economies, there may be room for a
modification that is even better."


Loading Ramps, Hauling, Transport, & Skateboard Ramp Superstore - Discount


How to password protect your PDF documents for free? - Review Of Web : Review Of Web


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Lanx Satura [Sat-ahyuhr]: (Wet) Dreams of A Comedy Central Roast—Newt Gingrich | A2Politico

Newt insists he is a moral man. He firmly believes that marriage is between a man and woman who doesn't have cancer.


Friday, November 25, 2011

Article: Occupy Together | POSTERS & MATERIALS

Occupy Together |  POSTERS & MATERIALS

(Sent from Flipboard)


USA TODAY: Editorial: Revisionists point fingers at Fannie, Freddie

Check out this article that I saw in USA TODAY's iPad application.

Editorial: Revisionists point fingers at Fannie, Freddie

To view the story, click the link or paste it into your browser.

To learn more about USA TODAY for iPad and download, visit:


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Article: 50 Free Apps We're Most Thankful For


Beta blockers -

Beta blockers aren't usually prescribed until other blood pressure
medications, such as diuretics, haven't worked effectively. Your
doctor may prescribe beta blockers as one of several medications to
lower your blood pressure, including angiotensin-converting enzyme
(ACE) inhibitors, diuretics or calcium channel blockers.

USA TODAY: Chrysler's Thanksgiving TV ad is all about poetry

Check out this article that I saw in USA TODAY's iPad application.

Chrysler's Thanksgiving TV ad is all about poetry

To view the story, click the link or paste it into your browser.

To learn more about USA TODAY for iPad and download, visit:


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

AMD's Bulldozer server benchmarks are here, and they're a catastrophe

The desktop benchmark scores for AMD's new Bulldozer architecture didn't make happy reading for fans of the chip company, with the new design sometimes failing to beat AMD's own predecessor architecture, let alone Intel's comparable offerings. Hope still persisted, however, that the processor's architecture might fare better when tasked with server workloads. With the release last week of AMD's first Bulldozer server processors, branded the Opteron 6200 series and codenamed "Interlagos," a host of such benchmarks have arrived from AMD and others.


The roots of the UC-Davis pepper-spraying - Glenn Greenwald -

depraved casualness of the officer's dousing the protesters' faces
with a chemical agent


Friday, November 11, 2011

Article: JoePa has an answer

JoePa has an answer

"As you know, the kids that were the vic­tims, I think we ought to say a prayer for them,"

And there, in that one sen­tence is the very heart of the grotesque­ness of reli­gion, the very core of what I have raged about, fought against, and endeav­ored to put a face on for these many years all summed up nice and tidy by a dis­graced coach.

PRAYER?? Say a PRAYER for the child vic­tims? You self right­eous sanc­ti­mo­nious jerk… some of those kids are vic­tims par­tial­ly because you failed as a man. You relin­quished your respon­si­bil­i­ty as a human being. Your hubris and self inter­est over shad­owed those vic­tims inter­est. But, now, NOW you'll implore us to mum­ble words to a nonex­is­tent thing in the sky as though that will fix things? As though those kids' lives will be repaired by words to a deity when your own mis­be­hav­ior, self-serving actions, or apa­thy was a causal fac­tor for their pain?


Article: In Which I Select a Current GOP Presidential Candidate to Vote For

In Which I Select a Current GOP Presidential Candidate to Vote For

(Sent from Flipboard)


Corporations Hate Regulation, Until They Love It | Mother Jones

…"Here's the key word in the rules: 'exemption,'" former Senator Ted Kaufman, Democrat of Delaware, told me. "Let me tell you, as soon as you see that, it's pronounced 'loophole.' That's what it means in English." Mr. Kaufman, now teaching at Duke University School of Law, earlier proposed a tougher version of the Volcker Rule, which was voted down in the Senate. "We've been through this before," he said. "I know these folks, these Wall Street guys. I went to school with them. They're smart as hell. You give them the smallest little hole, and they'll run through it."

This is probably the biggest reason that no one should take too seriously Republican complaints about burdensome regulations strangling the economy. The truth is that most reformers preferfairly simple rules. In the tax world, they'd prefer to simply tax all income. In the environmental world, they'd prefer to set firm limits for pollutants. In the financial world, they'd prefer blunt rules that cut off risky activity at its knees.

But businesses don't like simple rules, because simple rules are hard to evade. So they lobby endlessly for exemptions both big and small. This is why we end up with tax subsidies for bow-and-arrow makers. It's why we end up with environmental rules that treat a hundred different industries a hundred different ways. It's why financial regulators don't enact simple leverage rules or place firm asset caps on firm size. Those would be hard to get around and might genuinely eat into bank profits. Complex rules, conversely, are the meat and drink of $500-per-hour lawyers and whiz kid engineers. If the rules are complicated enough, smart lawyers can always find ways around them. And American corporations employ lots of smart lawyers.


Check out: 'Perry Does Letterman’s Top 10 "Oops" Jokes' on Slate

I thought you might find this Slate article interesting:

Perry Does Letterman's Top 10 "Oops" Jokes
By Josh Voorhees


Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Richard Dawkins plans to arrest Pope Benedict XVI during his state visit to Britain ‘for crimes against humanity’

Dawkins, author of The God Delusion, said: "This is a man whose first
instinct when his priests are caught with their pants down is to cover
up the scandal and damn the young victims to silence."


Income disparity and U.S. political economy | WBEZ

He proposes a new branch of government, a "people's council," that
could try government officials for war crimes and abuse, veto and
propose legislation, and ultimately keep government accountable to the
masses. His ideas stem from research into ancient systems such as Rome
and Athens, where plebeians held high positions in government
alongside elites.

Federal Farm Promotion ("Check-Off") Programs


Article: Does Penn State Actively Condone The Rape Of Children?

Does Penn State Actively Condone The Rape Of Children?

The pedophile pope on penn state


A Very Good Night for Democrats - Molly Ball - Politics - The Atlantic


Thursday, November 03, 2011

3 Misconceptions That Need to Die (WMT, X)


Article: AMD to cut workforce by 10 percent, invest savings in emerging markets and the cloud

AMD to cut workforce by 10 percent, invest savings in emerging markets and the cloud

(Sent from Flipboard)


Article: In Religious Divisions They Trust


With Vaccines, Bill Gates Changes The World Again - Forbes


The Corporatocracy is the 1% | Common Dreams

Corporations don't care about helping America succeed. Corporations as they exist now exist solely for profit, not public good. If the government stands in the way of their profit potential, they can legally purchase new politicians through unlimited, undisclosed campaign donations

The Stupidity of "Buy American" - Reason Magazine


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Washington Monthly - The Magazine - Dumbing Down Darwin
"Wealth is power, as Mr. Hobbes says"— so wrote Adam Smith, no less.)
In the real world progressive taxation exists to tame this violence by
limiting the acquisition of power. Why must this basic fact be ignored
in favor of an artificial world, just for the sake of libertarian


Hewlett-Packard Challenges Intel Picking ARM Server Chips: Tech - Bloomberg


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The truth about 'class war' in America | Richard Wolff | Comment is free |

The truth about 'class war' in America

Republicans claim, in Orwellian fashion, that Obama's millionaire tax is 'class war'. The reality is that the super-rich won the war

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Hackers break SSL encryption used by millions of sites • The Register

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Republican class warfare

Right. Let's go back to the Eisenhower Republican highlife years. Oh, by the way the top margin tax rate was 90% of the fat cats income then, not the current paltry 35%:

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Article: The 10 Best Amazon Reviews. Ever.

---Sent from Steve's iPad...

Meet the mystery man behind "Drive"

James Sallis

Meet the mystery man behind "Drive"

Phoenix: It's the nation's fifth largest city, a triumph of will and
engineering over common sense, surrounded by miles of what looks at
first to be almost nothing. Sprawling, various, indefinable,
ungraspable. If ever there was a melting pot, this is one. Kinda
south, kinda west, kinda old, kinda ageless, kinda middle America,
kinda Hispanic

---Sent from Steve's iPad...

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Are genes our destiny? Scientists discover 'hidden' code in DNA evolves more rapidly than genetic code

---Sent from Steve's iPad...

Contrary Brin: Libertarians and Conservatives must choose: Competitive Enterprise or Idolatry of Property

libertarians and conservatives seem bent on ignoring market manipulation by 5,000 or so aristocratic golf buddies, who appoint each other to company boards in order to vote each other titanic "compensation packages" while trading insider information and conspiring together to eliminate competition. Lords who are not subject to inherent limits, like each bureaucrat must face, or rules of disclosure or accountability. Lords who (whether it is legal or not) collude and share the same delusions

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Contrary Brin: Libertarians and Conservatives must choose: Competitive Enterprise or Idolatry of Property

So where's the problem? The problem is that it's all lip service on the right! Those who most-loudly proclaim Faith In Blind Markets (FIBM) are generally also those proclaiming idolatry of private property as a pure, platonic essence, a tenet to be clutched with religious tenacity, as it was in feudal societies. Obdurate, they refuse to see that they are conflating two very different things.

Private property - as Adam Smith made clear - is a means for encouraging the thing he really wanted: fair and open competition.  Indeed, the propertarian reforms that Peru instituted under the guidance of Hernando de Soto, vesting the poor in the land they had always farmed, resulted in a boom that delighted both libertarians and socialists.  Safe and secure property rights are a boon... up to a point.

---Sent from Steve's iPad...

Friday, September 16, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Check out: 'I Watched Every Steven Soderbergh Movie' on Slate

I thought you might find this Slate article interesting:

I Watched Every Steven Soderbergh Movie
By Dan Kois

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Article: The Bachmann Files: Don’t Let the Facts Stand in the Way of Incendiary Politics

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Article: Intel goes virtual to root out rootkits

Intel goes virtual to root out rootkits


---Sent from Steve's iPad...

Article: Morning Tech Wrap: Microsoft, Intel, Facebook

Article: Google and Intel working on Android phones for early 2012 release | Technology |

Google and Intel working on Android phones for early 2012 release | Technology |

Notice how is always "next year".  And gee, where is Meegone?

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Innovation Excellence | Intel to Universities: No Patents, Please, Just Open Source

In Intel's own words:

"The IP policies and practices within the ISTCs will typically be designed to level the playing field for all of the participants, thereby enhancing cooperation and open collaboration.  The preferred IP policy is to conduct open research wherein ISTC researchers, whether from academia or Intel, agree to not file patents and to publish all patentable inventions.  All significant software developed in the course of conducting research will be released under an open source license."

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Christopher Hitchens - Religion, Morality & Atheism

Check out this video on YouTube:

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Faith-based morality gets Hitchslapped. (Christopher Hitchens)

Check out this video on YouTube:

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Hitchens "There is no Creationism debate, it's over!"

Check out this video on YouTube:

---Sent from Steve's iPad...

Shift dropped on author after typo in her romantic novel | Books |

I apologise to anyone who bought my on-sale ebook of Baby, I'm Yours and read on pg 293: 'He stiffened for a moment but then she felt his muscles loosen as he shitted on the ground'," says Andersen. "Shifted - he SHIFTED!

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400 Free Online Courses from Top Universities | Open Culture

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Neuroscience vs philosophy: Taking aim at free will : Nature News

As humans, we like to think that our decisions are under our conscious control — that we have free will. Philosophers have debated that concept for centuries, and now Haynes and other experimental neuroscientists are raising a new challenge. They argue that consciousness of a decision may be a mere biochemical afterthought, with no influence whatsoever on a person's actions. According to this logic, they say, free will is an illusion. "We feel we choose, but we don't," says Patrick Haggard, a neuroscientist at University College London.

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Monday, September 12, 2011

Huffington Post: Krugman Draws Fury With Scathing 9/11 Post

Krugman Draws Fury With Scathing 9/11 Post
That day was the impetus for us to attack and invade Iraq, a country that had nothing to do with the attacks and posed no threat to us," she wrote. "To date, we've lost 4,752 allied service members in Iraq and over 100,000 Iraqi civilians. How is this not a black mark of shame on the legacy of 9/11?"

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Variations on a theme of anti-vaccine nonsense : Respectful Insolence

I'd propose to Aufderheide that he ought to think about an example that illustrates exactly what he is doing. Consider the dreaded dihydrogen monoxide (DHMO). For example, it's a major component of acid rain, and in gaseous form can cause severe burns. It's also a major component of most strong acids, such as hydrochloric acid and or sulfuric acid. It's also a major component of many bases, such as sodium hydroxide, not to mention a byproduct of internal combustion engins. It's also an industrial solvent and coolant, a fire retardant, and--horror of horrors!--it's used in the manufacture of chemical weapons, the manufacture of recombinant DNA, and, yes, in the manufacture of pesticides, including DDT. The facts are clear!

And DHMO is in vaccines! In fact, it's the major component of most vaccines!

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Memo To Rick Perry: Social Security Is Not Facing ‘Dire Financial Challenges’ | ThinkProgress

Perry is simply incorrect to say that Social Security's financial situation is "dire." After all, if nothing is done to Social Security, it will still pay full benefits until the year 2037. After that, the program is projected to pay out 75 percent of benefits until 2084, which is close to full benefits once inflation is accounted for. As Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has said, "Social Security has not added a single penny, not a dime, a nickel, a dollar to the budget problems we have. Never has. And for the next 30 years, it won't do that
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Intel's Sean Maloney: The man who couldn't speak - Postcards

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Article: Never Forget

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Article: Leon Wieseltier’s Remarks At ‘9/11: An Evening Of Remembrance And Reflection’ | The New Republic

Leon Wieseltier's Remarks At '9/11: An Evening Of Remembrance And Reflection' | The New Republic

that the multiplicity of cultures and traditions that we contain peaceably in our society is one of our highest accomplishments, because we are not afraid of difference, and because we do not confuse openness with emptiness, or unity with conformity;

that a country as vast and as various as ours may still be experienced as a community;

that none of our worldviews, with God or without God, should ever become the worldview of the state, and that no sanctity ever attaches to violence;

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Coming to terms with the female orgasm : Greg Laden's Blog

Coming to terms with the female orgasm : Greg Laden's Blog: "The point is this: Human ancestors, just under 2 million years ago, underwent an ecological change that required that they live in multi-male multi-female groups, like chimps do, but that also resulted in selection for a mostly monogamous (or at least, less poygynandrous) mating system, kinda like gibbons have today, but really, not very different from typical modern human marriage."

'via Blog this'