Friday, August 29, 2014

On the hazards of significance testing. Part 2: the false discovery rate, or how not to make a fool of yourself with P values

It is difficult to give a consensus of informed opinion because, although there is much informed opinion, there is rather little consensus. A personal view follows.  Colquhoun (1970),Lectures on Biostatistics, pp 94-95.


Awe, uncertainty, and agency detection. [Psychol Sci. 2014] - PubMed - NCBI


Inky Fool: Shuffle
I have a strange fondness for frequentatives, frequentative being verbs that happen frequently. So if you spark once, you spark. But if you spark frequently, you sparkle. If you crack once, you crack. But if you crack frequently you crackle. If you charge into somebody once wearing full armour and carrying a lance, you joust. If you do it all the time, you jostle. Burst, bustle. Jog, joggle. Tramp, trample. Scuff, scuffle. Prate, prattle. Wade, waddle.


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Orwell's review of Mein Kampf - Boing Boing

Orwell's review of Mein Kampf - Boing Boing:

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Plane emergency landing psychology study: People with PTSD have irrelevant memories.

Plane emergency landing psychology study: People with PTSD have irrelevant memories.: "What did vary among the accounts was the number of details that had nothing to do with Air Transat Flight 236 at all. After transcribing the memories, the researchers went back and coded statements as “internal” (“directly related to the main event … specific to time and place … conveying a sense of episodic re-experiencing”) and “external” (“factual information or extended events that did not require recollection of a specific time and place,” “tangential … autobiographical details,” editorializing, repetitions, metacognitive claims like “I can’t remember”). They found that passengers with PTSD produced far more external details than those without. This held true for the nonflight memories too: A survivor with PTSD was more likely to surround her nonemotional recollection with semantic data, repetition, and unrelated noise. "

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Slate: A Memorable Flight


Saturday, August 16, 2014




Domesticated or caged nonfarm animals may not bark, squeal, crow, howl or make any other such noises for more than five minutes if continuous or more than 15 minutes if intermittent. At all times, the limits set forth in Table I do not apply.

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Analysis: It's Not the Crime, It's the Politics | The Texas Tribune


40 Greatest Rock Documentaries | Rolling Stone


Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Scientia Salon
Many of my Leftist friends don't seem particularly bothered when people from the Right get offended. We all watch Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert with relish, and our cars sport bumper stickers that loudly proclaim "If you don't like abortion, don't have one." As it should be. But the other side also has a right to feel under attack and respond in kind, regardless of whether we think their feelings are justified or not. Yes, it is certainly ludicrous for Christians in the US to consider themselves under assault in the same sense in which other religious or ethnic minorities are. But it is certainly the case that the world has become increasingly uncomfortable for your typical southern white male fundamentalist (fortunately, I will add), which explains the vehemence of some of the reactions coming from those quarters. Again, the proper liberal progressive response to such reactions is targeted humor and continued rational engagement, not an embracing of the same culture of taking offense and attempting to silence one's opponents for which we justly criticize the Right.


Saturday, August 02, 2014

Friday, August 01, 2014

Skepticblog » Smarter than thou?
We already tried that experiment with a president who was a cheerleader and a "C" student, and was a "good ol' boy you could drink a beer with", who prided himself on making decisions "from the gut" rather than by careful thought and weighing evidence, who actively encouraged science deniers in his administration and endorsed creationism—and look where that got us!
