Monday, September 12, 2011

Variations on a theme of anti-vaccine nonsense : Respectful Insolence

I'd propose to Aufderheide that he ought to think about an example that illustrates exactly what he is doing. Consider the dreaded dihydrogen monoxide (DHMO). For example, it's a major component of acid rain, and in gaseous form can cause severe burns. It's also a major component of most strong acids, such as hydrochloric acid and or sulfuric acid. It's also a major component of many bases, such as sodium hydroxide, not to mention a byproduct of internal combustion engins. It's also an industrial solvent and coolant, a fire retardant, and--horror of horrors!--it's used in the manufacture of chemical weapons, the manufacture of recombinant DNA, and, yes, in the manufacture of pesticides, including DDT. The facts are clear!

And DHMO is in vaccines! In fact, it's the major component of most vaccines!

---Sent from Steve's iPad...

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