Thursday, January 26, 2012

Article: Atheism as Lacking a Moral Foundation

Atheism as Lacking a Moral Foundation

In Amer­i­ca, it casts athe­ists as untrust­wor­thy, as least like­ly to share Amer­i­can val­ues, and as being like­ly to estab­lish a Stali­nesque total­i­tar­i­an regime com­plete with pro­grams to round up and exe­cute all believ­ers if it should come to pass that athe­ists get polit­i­cal power.

This type if atti­tude deserves more that, "Par­don me, but i do not think that rea­son and evi­dence prop­er­ly sup­ports the con­clu­sions you are asserting."

It deserves, "If your frak­ing reli­gion grants you such a strong moral foun­da­tion, why didn't it teach you about the evil of pro­mot­ing hatred and fear of oth­ers for the pur­pose of har­vest­ing social and polit­i­cal power? Where is that in your moral code and why don't you start prac­tic­ing it?"


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