Saturday, March 08, 2014

Why Isn’t Anyone Talking About Matthew McConaughey’s Bizarre Oscars Acceptance Speech? – Flavorwire

While McConaughey started off in the normal acceptance speech fashion of thanking his director Jean-Marc Vallée and his costars Jared Leto and Jennifer Garner, his speech slowly (and I mean slowly, because the whole thing was about three minutes long) devolved into a convoluted mess. He profusely thanked God. He went on a tangent about how his father was probably watching him from heaven with a pot of gumbo, a lemon meringue pie, and a can of Miller Lite by his side. He said he sees himself as his hero — a future version of himself, that is. Throughout his speech, he fiddled with the buttons of his coat, shifting from one foot to the other, unable to focus on anything. He was jittery and twitchy and jumped from thought to thought, rambling on and on, with a few passing moments of clarity. And let's not forget that he didn't even bring up the real-life people who were actually affected by the pharmaceutical mess that was the AIDS crisis in the 1980s. (He must have been too busy thanking himself.)


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