Monday, January 29, 2024

10 Awesome Free AI Tools You Need To Try

10 Awesome Free AI Tools You Need To Try

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_- Steve

Saturday, January 27, 2024

A Short Analysis of A. E. Housman’s ‘Into my heart an air that kills’ – Interesting Literature

_- Steve

A Shropshire Lad, XL by A. E. Housman - Poems | Academy of American Poets

Into my heart an air that kills      From yon far country blows:    What are those blue remembered hills,      What spires, what farms are those?        That is the land of lost content,    I see it shining plain,    The happy highways where I went      And cannot come again.

_- Steve


_- Steve

Monday, January 22, 2024

Pluralistic: Boeing, Spirit and Jetblue, a monopoly horror-story (21 Jan 2024) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow

America has an airline that the public bails out, protects, and subsidizes but has no say over. Boeing has all the costs of public ownership and none of the advantages. It's the epitome of privatized gains and socialized losses.

This is Reagan's other legacy, besides the disastrous shortage of air-traffic controllers. The religious belief in deregulation – especially deregulation of antitrust enforcement – leads to a deregulated market. It leads to a market that is regulated by monopolists who secretly deliberate, behind closed board-room doors, and are accountable only to their shareholders. These private regulators are unlike government regulators, who are at least nominally bound by obligations to transparency and public accountability. But they share on thing in common with those public regulators: when they fuck up, the public has to pay for their mistakes.

_- Steve

Sunday, January 21, 2024

‘A total failure to launch’: Why Ron DeSantis was doomed from the start

— Steve Smith

Profile of Free Solo Climber Austin Howell - Climbing

Mine was more than a passing fascination with Howell's stunts: Though I've been a climber for over a decade now, I've suffered from depression for far longer. My lowest point followed a major depressive episode after college in 2012; my high school sweetheart had dumped me, I hated my job, and my social network felt paper-thin. My memories of that time are ones of deep loneliness. Of wandering snow-covered streets around Cambridge, Massachusetts, until 4 A.M. Of nights spent drinking alone. Rock climbing became a refuge, an escape from a brain that felt like it needed a reboot. The physical problem-solving—being forced to think about nothing but the moves, the thrill of executing a sequence just right—helped to temper the darkest darkness. I had never free soloed, but Howell's pronouncements about how climbing helped him deal with his demons felt like they spoke directly to me.

_- Steve

Original castes

_- Steve

Saturday, January 20, 2024