Saturday, September 11, 2004

Sun looks to chip performance to bring brighter days | CNET

Sun looks to chip performance to bring brighter days | CNET "UltraSparc IV and its descendant, the UltraSparc IV+, due next year, will be the first in the series of new processor offerings, which Sun plans to deliver over the next four years. The company will first boost the clock speed of the UltraSparc IV before moving to a new 90-nanometer design for UltraSparc IV+ next year. The collective improvements are expected to double the chip's performance, Ingram said. Then, during 2006, Sun will bring out two new processors, another dual-core, dubbed Olympus, and a multicore chip capable of handling 32-threads, called Niagara. Rock, designed to be a high-end chip for speeding up applications such as databases, will arrive in 2008, Ingram said. "

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