Saturday, January 29, 2011

Article: New interview with Christopher Hitchens

New interview with Christopher Hitchens

And there's a cer tain ghoul ish ele ment, even about the nice peo ple who've been pray ing for me. Because they are not just pray ing for my recov ery, they're pray ing for my rec on cil i a tion with reli gion. And I—I pro posed a trade off the other day, I said, I tell you what, what if we sec­u lar ists stop going to hos pi tals and walk ing around the wards and ask ing if peo ple are reli gious when they are in extrem is and in their last days and say ing look, you've still got a lit tle time, why don't you live the last few days of it as a free per son. You'll feel much bet ter. All that non sense they taught you. You know you could still have every chance to give it up. Expe ri ence the life of a free think ing autonomous per son. Don't live in fear, don't believe in mythol o gy.

They – I don't think they'd wel come it. And of course, we don't do that. But it seems to be con sid ered the right of almost every­body to do it the other way around. I don't resent it at all, because I like every oppor tu ni ty for the argu ment, but it—a lot of it has been to do with that.

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