Friday, November 11, 2011

Article: JoePa has an answer

JoePa has an answer

"As you know, the kids that were the vic­tims, I think we ought to say a prayer for them,"

And there, in that one sen­tence is the very heart of the grotesque­ness of reli­gion, the very core of what I have raged about, fought against, and endeav­ored to put a face on for these many years all summed up nice and tidy by a dis­graced coach.

PRAYER?? Say a PRAYER for the child vic­tims? You self right­eous sanc­ti­mo­nious jerk… some of those kids are vic­tims par­tial­ly because you failed as a man. You relin­quished your respon­si­bil­i­ty as a human being. Your hubris and self inter­est over shad­owed those vic­tims inter­est. But, now, NOW you'll implore us to mum­ble words to a nonex­is­tent thing in the sky as though that will fix things? As though those kids' lives will be repaired by words to a deity when your own mis­be­hav­ior, self-serving actions, or apa­thy was a causal fac­tor for their pain?


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