Saturday, March 17, 2012

Article: Legislation Is Violence, Too

It is evil to sub­ju­gate other peo­ple, to make them prac­tice your reli­gion and not freely prac­tice their own. It is evil to force other peo­ple to live in man­ner not con­sis­tent with lib­er­ty. It is evil to force women to have a long, large elec­tron­ic dildo forcibly shoved up their vagi­nas, to try to fright­en and intim­i­date them into com­pli­ance with your reli­gious beliefs. In fact, once upon a time, not so long ago, push­ing an object into some­one's vagi­na against her will, in this coun­try, was con­sid­ered rape, wasn't it?


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