Saturday, April 28, 2012

How to talk to a Republican

The list of demonstrable malarkey that Republicans hold to be
unalienable truths is laughably long: Obama is Kenyan; Obamacare has
death panels, increases the deficit, and pays for health care for
illegal immigrants; Abortions give you breast cancer and cause pain in
fetuses as young as 20 weeks; Iraq had WMDs and Saddam Hussein
collaborated with Al Qaeda; Tax cuts increase government revenue;
Obama's stimulus created no jobs, and in fact government spending is
hurting our economic recovery; If we don't raise the debt ceiling, we
can simply prioritize payments and avoid disaster; We are a Christian
nation whose forefathers "warned the British" about our gun rights,
"worked tirelessly" to abolish slavery, debated Creationism before
Charles Darwin even thought of evolution, and never intended to
separate church and state; Evolution is not real, and global warming,
if it's even happening, isn't our fault.

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