Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Obama wins

Yeah Baby, now I "Believe in America". Thank you CA, OR and WA and especially my birthplace of Hamilton County Ohio!  Now lets move the Republicans out of the roadblock of the political process that they have been.

The loser: Mendacious Mitt the twit, the Mexican polygamist's grandson, the Klepto-class breed vulture capitalist, who took a founding role at Bain Capital from a mentor who guaranteed he would never fail financially or professionally, hiding behind his veil of opulence, shipping his money and our jobs overseas, the tax dodger refusing to pay his fair share of society's upkeep, the draft-avoiding war monger utilizing the dual refuges of mission work in Paris and business school at Harvard, the slimy politician with policy flip-flops on: gun control, abortion, climate change, taxes, gays, and RomneyCare.  The man whose serial lying shows the only principle he values is to put more political power into hands controlled by a superstitious cult religion so he and his magical underwear can fulfill its "white horse prophecy".

To Paul Ryan, the zombie-eyed granny starver that voted for the policies that crashed the economy:  Sorry, your statement that Mendacious Mitt the Twit's experience as a leverage buyout vulture capitalist makes him suitable to handle the USA's economic  policies makes no sense.  Who is he going to sell off our assets to? Loser.

And Ryan couldn't even deliver Wisconsin.

Too bad I live in a State that follows the voting pattern of the racist sicko South.  


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