Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Scientia Salon

Many of my Leftist friends don't seem particularly bothered when people from the Right get offended. We all watch Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert with relish, and our cars sport bumper stickers that loudly proclaim "If you don't like abortion, don't have one." As it should be. But the other side also has a right to feel under attack and respond in kind, regardless of whether we think their feelings are justified or not. Yes, it is certainly ludicrous for Christians in the US to consider themselves under assault in the same sense in which other religious or ethnic minorities are. But it is certainly the case that the world has become increasingly uncomfortable for your typical southern white male fundamentalist (fortunately, I will add), which explains the vehemence of some of the reactions coming from those quarters. Again, the proper liberal progressive response to such reactions is targeted humor and continued rational engagement, not an embracing of the same culture of taking offense and attempting to silence one's opponents for which we justly criticize the Right.


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