Saturday, November 25, 2023

Dating types

People who were very high scoring on the traits in the dopamine system -- risk taking, novelty seeking, curious, creative, spontaneous, energetic, mentally flexible people -- go for people like themselves. They want that energy, curiosity, creativity. So that's one. I call these people, explorers. People were very high on the serotonin system, they tend to be traditional, conventional. Follow the rules. Respect authority. Detail oriented. Tend to be religious. Religiosity is in the serotonin system. These people also go for people like themselves. Traditional conventional people who follow rules, respect authority, detail oriented, want people like themselves.

'High testosterone people, I call them directors, not a great term. They go for negotiators. The high estrogen. People who are very high on the testosterone -- this can be women as well as men -- analytical, logical, direct, decisive, tough minded, skeptical. Good at what scientists call rule based systems, from engineering to math to mechanics to music. These people tend to go for their opposite, the high estrogen. I call these negotiators. Negotiators tend to be verbally skilled people skills, very contextual, holistic, synthetic, long term thinkers. They're very imaginative. They're very intuitive, They're trusting. So the bottom line is we all express all four of these systems.

— Helen Fisher is a biological anthropologist and the chief science adviser to

_- Steve

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