Monday, May 02, 2011

Chris Hedges Speaks on Osama bin Laden’s Death | Truthout

These groups lear ned to speak the lan guage we taught them. And our re spon se was to speak in kind. The lan guage of viol­ence, the lan guage of oc cupation—the oc cupa tion of the Mid dle East, the wars in Iraq and Afghanis tan—has been the best re­cruit ing tool al-Qaida has been han ded. If it is cor rect that Osama bin Laden is dead, then it will spir al up wards with acts of suicid al ven gean ce. And I ex pect most pro bab ly on American soil. The tragedy of the Mid dle East is one where we pro ved in­cap able of com municat ing in any other lan guage than the brute and brut al force of em pire.
---Sent from Steve's iPad...

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