Monday, May 23, 2011

Roy Spencer’s Latest Silver Bullet

Since I launched my blog a year ago, I've had the chance to examine the claims of a number of climate contrarians.  One thing that has surprised me is how often the contrarians seem to think they've come up with a "silver bullet" to shoot down mainstream scientific views about how sensitive the climate is to forcing by greenhouse gases, etc.  By "silver bullet" I mean a very simple, direct, and clear demonstration that the mainstream is flatly wrong.  Why is this so surprising?  Because even though climate response is a complicated subject, overall sensitivity has been estimated at least nine different ways, and many of these methods are based on paleoclimate data, rather than model output.  Since all of these methods have produced roughly the same answer, the vast majority of climate scientists have concluded that the climate is pretty unlikely to be insensitive enough to avoid major problems if we continue to burn fossil fuels like we have been.  In other words, the possibility of a silver bullet in this case seems remote.

---Sent from Steve's iPad...

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