Saturday, February 18, 2012

Article: Abortion and Premarital Sex: On Keeping Your Legs Shut

You may have already seen the appalling video of Fos­ter Friess, Rick San­to­rum's bil­lion­aire, explain­ing that con­tra­cep­tion real­ly isn't that expen­sive – in his day, after all, women just kept their legs shut.

Here is the per­ti­nent tran­script:

On this con­tra­cep­tive thing, my gosh it's such inex­pen­sive. You know, back in my days, they used Bayer aspirin for con­tra­cep­tion. The gals put it between their knees, and it wasn't that cost­ly.

In other words, women, if you real­ly don't want to get preg­nant, just keep your legs shut. End of story. Easy, right? Prob­lem solved!

In response to this video, Jen of Blag Hag wrote a won­der­ful­ly incensed post about the hypocrisy of being anti-abortion and anti-birth con­trol:

If you truly were against abor­tion, you would be fight­ing des­per­ate­ly for com­pre­hen­sive sex edu­ca­tion and easy access to con­tra­cep­tives – things that actu­al­ly reduce abor­tions. . . . If you truly were con­cerned with women's health, you wouldn't use HPV sta­tis­tics to scare­mon­ger young girls about sex while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly fight­ing against a vac­cine.


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