Sunday, February 19, 2012

Religion in politics: constitutional and moral perspectives - Michael J. Perry - Google Books

In Religion in Politics, Michael Perry addresses a fundamental
question: what role may religious arguments play, if any, either in
public debate about what political choices to make or as a basis of
political choice? He is principally concerned with political choices
that ban or otherwise disfavor one or another sort of human conduct
based on the view that the conduct is immoral. He divides the
controversy into two debates: the constitutionally proper role of
religious arguments in politics, and a related, but distinct, debate
about the morally proper role.

Perry concludes that political choices about the morality of human
conduct should not be based on religion. The newest work by one of the
most important constitutional theorists writing today, Religion in
Politics is sure to spark a new debate on the subject.


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