Thursday, March 08, 2012

Right's claim that Rush is losing freedom of speech

Do you actually think that the mendacious prattle of your posts actually "makes your case"?
If so, then your scrofulous mind really can assert the reality-bending proposition that Rush is both intelligent and witty . Since you need facts stretched out into propaganda to have them pass your ideological filter,  how about this:

As usual the Right is wrong.  In this case you have misinterpreted the meaning and history of the phrase "freedom of speech."

The porcine junkie sex-tourist Rush Limbaugh continues to get fisted by the invisible hand of capitalism as advertisers flee his show based on their customer's disgust.

However, taxpayers still pay the tab as his excrement slimes our military broadcast network.  So, sign the petition to remove public funding for Rush's sick commentary

Nothing more clearly describes the impact on society of Rush, and the other media celebrity gods you so unthinkingly worship, than Gore Vidal's send up of Bill Buckley:

"This mingling of opinion and fiction has undone a media never devoted to truth. Hence, the ease with which the Republican smear-machine goes into action when they realize that yet again the party’s permanent unpopularity with the American people will cause them defeat unless they smear individually those who question the junk that the media has put into so many heads. Anyone who says “We gotta fight ‘em over there or we’re gonna have to fight ‘em over here.” This absurdity has been pronounced by every Republican seeking high office. The habit of lying is now a national style that started with “news” magazines that was further developed by pathological liars that proved to be “good” Entertainment on TV. But a diet of poison that has done none of us any society so marinated in falsity can long survive in a real world."

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