Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Article: A Send-Off to God's Favorite

A Send-Off to God's Favorite

For­mer Penn­syl­va­nia Sen­a­tor Rick San­to­rum, Knight Tem­plar of the Repub­li­can Party and stan­dard bear­er for angry, sex­u­al­ly repressed rich white men every­where, final­ly accept­ed the inevitable fate that the GOP nom­i­na­tion was no longer in reach for him. With his 3-year-old daugh­ter's ill­ness, and faced with the fact that he was in seri­ous dan­ger of los­ing his home state, San­to­rum dropped out, tak­ing the hopes and dreams of the fanat­i­cal Far Right with him and plac­ing the Chris­t­ian Right in a posi­tion that could shake every sin­gle moral foun­da­tion they have set up for them­selves: Either vote for the Black Mus­lim Social­ist Alinsky-ite rad­i­cal Kenyan anti-colonial, or… hor­ror of hor­rors!!... a MOR­MON!!!!


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