Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Skepticblog » The Colorado Massacre, Gun Control, and the Law of Large Numbers


My fellow libertarians are likely to see this as another loss of
freedom, but I disagree. The principle of freedom states that all
people are free to think, believe, and act as they choose, so long as
they do not infringe on the equal freedom of others. But the freedom
for me to swing my arm ends at your nose. The freedom for you to own
any gun you like is in conflict with my freedom to interact freely
with my fellow citizens in public spaces when so many madmen mingle
among us. We should ban assault weapons of all kinds. We already
disallow private citizens to own nuclear weapons, missiles, grenade
launchers, and the like. WMMs that can be secreted into a movie
theater should be categorized among those we can no longer tolerate.
This is no loss of freedom. It is, in fact, an increase in freedom—the
freedom to move about our living spaces without fear of being gunned
down in cold blood.


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