Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Faux news interviews

Since Fox News decided to interview Dick Cheney on gun control, they have announced a new season of guests and their respective subjects, including:

Chris Christie on controlling your weight,
Jerry Sandusky on controlling your thoughts in the shower,
Casey Anthony on controlling your child,
The Costa Concordia captain on controlling a cruise-liner,
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on controlling a country's population,
Hosni Mubarak on controlling the spread on democracy,
Rick Santorum on controlling the meaning of your last name,
Ted Haggard on controlling those voices from God that tell you to have gay sex,
Jared Loughner on controlling crowds during political rallies,
The BP corporation on controlling oil in the Gulf of Mexico,
And, in the season finale, O.J. Simpson on controlling your wife.


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