Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Roe v. Wade at 40: Time to Push Back Against Those in the Stone Age | The Progressive

You can't shove young women, who have grown up believing that they ought to be able to have full, happy sex lives, good health care, rewarding work, and children, too, when they want them and can care for them, that they ought to return to the world of the double standard, early, forced marriages, and sex lives full of darkness, fear, and shame.

In fact, we just had a national referendum on this issue.

Women voted overwhelmingly against the Paul Ryan/Todd Akin/Foster Fries worldview: that telling women to hold an aspirin between our legs is a funny and piquant response to the demand for birth control, that a law student who dares suggest that university health care include contraceptives deserves to be shamed by a powerful man with a national microphone as a "slut," that rape victims are lying about being assaulted if they get pregnant--because only a woman willing to have sex can conceive.


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