Thursday, February 27, 2014

Ted Nugent

If I was as bigoted as #TedNugent, then it would explain much of his behavior when I learned that his unwed welfare mom gave him the birth name of "Mohammed Bojangles"

What's the difference between Ted Nugent's music and a steaming pile of horse dung?
The asshole it came out of.

How is Ted Nugent's guitar like a writing desk?
The notes that come off of both are not musical.

His is a 10 point buck different than Ted Nugent?
The buck fucks only live deer.

How is Woody Allen different than Ted Nugent?
Allen is not a serial rapist and he can play listenable music.

How is Ted Nugent different than John Wayne Gacy?
The both are killer clowns, but Gacy rapes young boys and Nugent rapes young girls.


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