Sunday, June 01, 2014

Fuck Your Religious Beliefs, Sincerely: An Open Letter to Michele Bachmann

Soon To Be Former (Thank God) Congresswoman Michele Bachmann,

There are very few words that can accurately describe just what malady you have made yourself on the United States of America. You are a symptom of a great illness that has always managed to make life insufferable for one group or another. Americans it seems have always had to grapple with a group among their ranks that just can't keep their God out of everybody else's lives, and while some have been able to play the role of theologian-cum-politician with at least some grace and an empathetic ear, you are simply the card-carrying bigot of your time; the female George Wallace, and I'm sick and tired, madam, of having to genuflect to the First Amendment every time you let forth from your mouth hole with the kind of backwards, antiquated and just plain mean pabulum that you try to pass off as intellectual dialogue. So I'm going to call upon my own First Amendment privileges now, and while I harbor no delusions that this letter will reach your dead eyes, nor that it will be comprehended in that vacuum that rests upon your neck, but I write this letter on behalf of everyone who is fed up with God, Jesus and the Holy Scripture being used both as a cudgel to bludgeon people with, and as a shield against any criticism, no matter how justified or earned.

- See more at:


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