Friday, April 16, 2010

Researcher Throws A Wrench In IBM And HP’s Sensor Networks «'s The Firewall

Researcher Throws A Wrench In IBM And HP’s Sensor Networks «'s The Firewall
In a talk at the Black Hat security conference in Barcelona Thursday, Greek researcher Thanassis Giannetsos plans to present a new software tool that he and two colleagues have written that they say would allow a malicious hacker to penetrate a sensor network and change or delete data at will.
The researchers says their attack would allow an intruder to take control of a sensor network with just a laptop, an antenna, and their exploit written in Java. The tool attacks the routing layer, affecting protocols like Mint Route and MultiHopLQI to collect, redirect or delete data. "What you're trying to do is to destroy the tree of communication between sensors, to make all the nodes forward their data to you, not the base station,"

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